When you decide firmly to earn from Internet, the main Guru Mantra is "Patience". Keep it in mind that you can not earn thousands in an hour or a day. In any PTC when you reach minimum payout, withdraw your first payment and use the payment 'PROOF' to attract your referrals. Your referrals will generate money for you. If you don't have enough referrals you can only dream to make dollars in a month or year. Keep it in mind that one could earn some great money with the help of PTC websites, not just by clicks himself but also with the help of referrals. There are millions of PTC websites, but maximum of them are scam. So be careful before joining such sites. Anyways every PTC sites have referral programs for you to maximize your earnings. So even without upgrading, with the help of your referrals, you can earn some good money for you. Join and refer more peoples to your downline, they will also work for you and will earn money for you.